Energy Write is a Resource for Residential Do-It-Your-Self Energy Reduction.

The World used 15 trillion watts of energy in 2009 *3. Reduce your energy bill by 10% to 20% just by changing to CFL's and adjusting your thermostat. Here, we talk about optimizing that along with other techniques targeting 50% or more energy use reduction. Help turn back the energy clock.

Selected Energy Reduction How to Articles ...

Energy Saver: Refrigerator & Freezer Set Points

Are your refrigerator and freezer thermostat settings correct? This is balance between food safety ...

Energy Saver: Refrigerator & Freezer Door Seals

After a few years of use, one item that frequently fails on refrigerators and freezers is the seal around ...

Energy Saver: Prevent Loss of Refrigerated Air

If you've read my article on Automatic Refrigerator Door Closing then you are up to speed on bad ...

Energy Saver: Clean Refrigerator & Freezer HX's

Like other refrigerant cycle machines, the heat transfer surfaces of refrigerators and freezers need ...

Energy Saver: Automate Refrigerator Door Closing

"CLOSE THE REFRIGERATOR", explodes dad from the other room! "WE AREN'T COOLING THE ...

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